proclaiming the Word of God for the race that is set before us
My book is available on Amazon. A few distinctives about my book are, first, that I was Calvinist and taught Calvinism for a long time before changing views. Second, I find that most books on this issue are longer on philosophy and systematic theological presuppositions than they are on careful exegesis of the tough passages. I have tried to fill that gap. Third, I believe there is a middle ground position between the extremes of TULIP Calvinism and Arminianism that maintains (indeed, elevates) God's sovereignty and eternal security. You can access audio recordings of one of my seminars on Calvinism at this link.
The centerpiece of the Bible is God’s redemptive plan for humanity through His Son. But if Calvinism is true, then God purposed to save only a relatively small percentage of humanity referred to as the “elect” and the rest have no opportunity for eternal life. This means the gospel is not good news for most people—Jesus did not die for them and they cannot believe. As we apply this personally, it means many of the people we know, and probably some very close to us, cannot be saved. But does the Bible really teach TULIP Calvinism? Its advocates point to a long list of supposed proof texts for each of the five core principles of Calvinism. This book invites you to sit as a juror and weigh the evidence, like those “noble” people in Berea in Acts 17 who “searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.” To that end, this book provides an overview of the doctrine known as the decrees of God as well as all five traditional TULIP propositions. For each of these, the more common proof texts are analyzed. Substantial attention is given to the “pillar” passages like John 6:44, Acts 13:48, Romans 3 and 9, and Ephesians 1:4. This book will defend a middle ground position (called NULIF – “new life”) between TULIP Calvinism and Arminianism and demonstrate that you can tell people with confidence that God loves them, Jesus died for their sins, and they can be saved by trusting Christ for the forgiveness of their sins based on his finished work at Calvary.